Most Enginyers performs brand new Image

The exceptional circumstances we are living through, have not prevented Most Enginyers from moving forward. Customer proximity is one of our main goals, thus we are pleased to announce that we are launching today new logo and new website. With simplicity and clarity, fundamental values of Most Enginyers, we explain the services we offer to our clients, both public and private, with a range of examples from our 15 years of experience in the sector.

The aim of this new website is to show the activity that the multidisciplinary team of Most Enginyers performs. The website has been divided into 5 areas: Engineering, Architecture, Tenders, BIM Management and Software. In this way the services offered by Most Enginyers are optimally presented. At the same time, these sectors are subdivided into several others to guarantees with màximum detail all the information about our activity.


Date 12/07/2020

Location Barcelona